Monday 27 July 2015


Snoop Dogg isn't pleased about his most recent run-in with the law.

The 43-year-old rapper was arrested Saturday in Sweden, following his concert. Police pulled his car over when they suspected that he was intoxicated, The Guardian reports.
"Police carrying out roadside controls noticed that Snoop Dogg seemed to be under the influence of narcotics," a police spokesperson told The Guardian. "He was arrested and taken to the police station to take a urine test."

"The incident lasted several minutes," the spokesperson continued. "Once the test was carried out, he left."
Snoop took to Instagram to post several videos voicing his anger about the incident. He blamed the run-in on racial profiling and vowed to never return to Sweden.

"They made me pee in a cup — didn't find shit," he said in a video. "F— y'all."

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