Monday 28 March 2016


Just before the movie Batman vs Superman came out, there was so much talk about it and of course fans of either super heroes were already anticipating who will do better in the movie. I'm yet to see the movie hopefully this weekend after I see London Has Fallen of course.

A lot goes into costuming for movies like this and that's why it's no surprise that Michael Wilkinson was contracted again to make the costumes for B vs S. He who also served as costume designer for Man of Steel (2013). Director Zack Snyder enlisted the designer once again to create looks that were fit for fighting, as well as staying incognito.

Here's what Wilkinson had to say about working on the costumes for the B vs S which has already earned $424 million globally at the weekend box office.

One of the great things about doing these films is that you get the chance to, each time, keep developing and evolving, tweaking the costumes and making them even more nuance and hopefully authentic. What we did this time around, there were a few developments to the details and materials of the Superman suit. 

We found a fantastic new fabric for the cape that looks beautifully with the material and rest of the costume. We found a new way of applying the surface detail which is a much more streamlined and kind of modern-looking way of detailing the suit but I think one of the biggest differences is that Zack had an idea of having a quote from one of his favorite writers, Joseph Campbell, and we had that translated into Kryptonian. 

Then once we got the script, we sort of ran it through the biceps, belts, wrists and even through the S in the front of the costume so it’s sort of this fantastic complexity of texture on the suit.

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