Tuesday 28 October 2014


I'm always excited when I meet people that are blessed with a talent that shines through. These past weeks have been really revealing and fun at the same time. 


Meet Brandon Moreno popularly known as Nova Sosa who is currently the president of the Web Radio Club at LaGuardia College, a college I'm also attending....smiles.

Apart from being efficient and effective with his duties, he is also a musician and you will be shocked at some details you will read about in his brief profile which I will share shortly.

26 year old from Harlem, has dreams of becoming a star in the music industry just as everyone from "the hood" does, but he might have that spark that you need to make it further than just your own speakers. He's served in the Army for 4 years, served a tour of duty in Iraq & in Haiti. He has a 10 year old son and a brother who raps and is just as talented as the next person if not better. The question is, does he have what it takes!?...


Check out these links to his music videos and I'm sure your answer will be as good as mine. Certainly one to look out for.



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