Wednesday 28 January 2015


Love and good music are the major tools needed to make the world we live in today a better place.

Thanks to the likes of Kayode Ajayi popularly known as Kayo Musiq who has decided to put his talent and creativity to good use in a song he wrote and titled "Praying For Peace" Every time I watch this video it gives me a new feeling of hope. Enjoy the video right after the write up.

"The pursuit for peace in Nigeria and other parts of the world continues to grow as each day passes by. Without peace in families, communities, society, and countries, it will not be possible to coexist serenely.

Music has successfully stood out as an accurate representation of sentiments toward significant historical events, political opinions, and societal observations. I believe that music will continue to have influence over society and serve as a creative commentary for generations to come. That is what inspired this song.

I present this song to you, praying for peace. Hopefully, the message will encourage the quest for peace to reign, not just in Nigeria but all over the world.

Listen, sing along, and share, because without your voice, we will not be able to achieve this project. So let's gather together in one voice and sing to save lives. My voice, your voice, and our voices would bring the change that we desire, and we shall live in peace and harmony.

I leave you with this quote by the famous musician Jimi Hendrix: “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”

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