Saturday 11 April 2015


You will have as much fun as I did reading this write up by my partner in crime Maryam who also owns I believe some of you can relate to this in one way or the other.

We’ve all had ex’s good ones and bad ones, the ones we loved terribly and the ones who we didn’t love as much as they loved us. I’ve had ex’s and so have my friends so Ive decided to write letters to the ex’s who have been big influences good and bad.

The Recluse: First and foremost I would love to thank you for teaching me I could find solitude within my self, you taught me two people can sit together and be totally silent and it can be totally okay. You had mood swings but I learnt patience. You were uncomfortable when my friends were around or when I had to hang out with them so I guess that made you an asshole. I’m sorry you had no friends, but you refused to socialise and wanted to live in your box. With us it was over before it even began because I had big dreams and it confused you. I hope you’re happy now.

The Social butterfly: There were hardly any boring moments with you, you loved extreme partying and some part of me thought if I did not keep up I would loose you. Your energy level was super high and in the beginning I thought I was the luckiest girl in the world. At some point that lifestyle took it’s tole on me and I realised I was’nt built for it. I started going out less and less and started loosing you more and more, I guess you couldn’t understand my sudden lack of interest and you pulled away. Either way you were a great guy and thanks for being so fun and outgoing. I hope you’re happy now.

The Pot head: You were funny, you did not think you had a problem and that was real funny. You were extremely relaxed about everything in life and that kind of rubbed off on me negatively. You really did care about me but you just enjoyed being high more. I want to thank you for not trying to persuade me in taking those trips to parallel universe with you, you got I was young and you truly wanted the best for me, even when I asked you for some you told me N’o ‘and I appreciate that. You were a good guy but unfortunately while we were together you didn’t have your shit together. Sometimes I miss you and I truly do hope you are happy now.

The Good Sport: Every time I think of you I smile, you encouraged me daily and you believed in my dreams no matter how ridiculous. You loved women and they loved you and that drove me crazy but above all you were a good sport. You were caring kind and so so smart, I admired how brilliant you were and how you could switch from being an extrovert to being and introvert. You made me very happy while we were together and I think I made you happy too. Being with you was like being with a second self and I want to thank you so much for letting me experience passion in the purest of forms. I truly do wish you are genuinely happy now.

The f@#$%: You gave me a fairytale experience in the beginning of things and I bought every bull s%$# you were selling, but after just a short while you showed me you,the ‘you’ you hid well from me. You took everything I was and broke them to crumbs, but you also had a way of picking up every single crumb and making it whole again. I was so under your spell and I could not understand why my friends thought you were bad for me when clearly I built my entire universe around you. You taught me so much and amongst them was self worth. I understood, even though it took me a minute. I understood I did not need anyone who didn’t need me and from that I drew strength. Thanks and I guess I have to also say I hope you’re happy.

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