Tuesday 14 April 2015


Superstar singer Rihanna has been trending all day on social media after one of her friend's posted a video. The video was immediately taken down but a fan was quick to repost it.

Rihanna seems to be sniffing what has been speculated to be Colombian white. Here's what Gawker.com reports;

There’s an important debate happening today on Rihanna Twitter: Does a video recently posted to Instagram show the Barbadian singer preparing to inhale a line of what is assuredly the finest Colombian white? Judge for yourself.

In the video—which was posted by one of Rihanna’s friends, then deleted, but not before it was captured by one of Instagram’s several third-party re-posting apps—you can clearly see Rihanna holding a rolled up white… something.

Rihanna later took to instagram posting a photo with the caption "petty"

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