Sunday 6 December 2015


Anyone who knows me well, can tell you how much I dread the A-Train in New York. Apart from the long commute, you get to see a lot of not so pleasant activities sometimes. I've seen people smoke without any care in the world about other people on board, relationship drama (fights), sale of pornographic movies and trust me the list goes on.


 I was on board the other day when I saw this man you see on the floor of the train. It was evident he was under alcohol intoxication as I kept perceiving it throughout my ride. First, he was laying on the three seats with a bottle sticking out of his pocket and later on during the ride, he fell face down and kept snoring. The passenger whose leg you see in the photo tried to wake him up but man! this guy was gone. 


 Just though I'll share this and also advice that if you must drink and get drunk don't go out alone. Lets stay vigilant always! No matter what, New York City remains bae, lol.

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