Wednesday 18 November 2015


Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the mastermind behind the Paris attacks that left 129 people dead, was killed in an early morning police raid in Paris on Wednesday.

The UK Telegraph reports Abaaoud was one of 2 people killed inside an apartment during the police raid in Saint Denis in northern France.
Police surrounded an apartment building in St. Denis and opened fire when the terrorists inside began firing through windows. The siege lasted 7 hours with over 5,000 rounds fired.

When the smoke cleared, 2 terrorists were confirmed dead and 7 suspects were arrested.
A search of the apartment yielded evidence that the occupants may have been planning another attack.
A woman detonated a suicide vest killing herself instantly inside the apartment. The woman was identified as Abaaoud’s cousin.

Abaaoud might be the other dead terrorist, but that has not been confirmed.
5 police were injured in the firefight.
1 bomb sniffing police dog was killed.

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